ODYSSEY JONES: Former WWE star Odyssey Jones says he’s taking legal action against accuser

Posted on 1/11/125 by Colin Vassallo

Odyssey Jones, the former WWE Superstar who was fired out of
the blue with no explanation at the time, posted a video on
his social media today saying that he is taking legal action
against his accuser for what he calls false allegations.

It was later revealed after he was released that Jones was
being accused of domestic violence.

“These false claims are coming from a party that I used to
priorly engage with. And I apologize for taking so long
addressing these false claims, but I had to patiently wait
to get an injunction set in place to protect my family, my
friends, and myself,” Jones said in the video.

“I’m currently taking legal action against said party, so I
can’t speak too much more on it, but there will be more
information to come,” he continued.

Jones thanked WWE for the “amazing opportunity” they gave
him and for bringing him on and also thanked the coaches he
worked with for helping him work on his craft.

He ended the video saying that he will be accepting bookings
for 2025 and thanked everyone for their support.

Prior to being released, Jones was put in an angle with The
New Day and seemed to be heading towards being the newest
member of the faction. The angle was dropped abruptly after
he was fired.

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