New Edge Wrestling October 18 Waterford, MI results

Posted on 10/20/124 by Leonard Brand


WATERFORD - New Edge Wrestling at the New Edge Training
School: El Noctambulo pinned Robbie Reeves…Women’s champion
Stella Buho defeated Regan Lydale in a 2/3 falls match…Mad Dog
Valentino defeated Tommy Rinks & August Albright…Love Shack
(LaDon Sanders & Marco Modello) defeated Triple Platinum
(Marcus Porter & Royce Carney III)…J. Fields defeated Xander
Bennett by submission…Tag Team champions Sons of Saginaw (Ace
Evans & Nick Green) defeated Kenny Steele & Ike Watts…Jon Jon
Tavious pinned Thomas Bailey…TJ Meyer defeated Chase Barnett,
Solo, & TJK to become Interim Heavyweight champion.

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