WWE BUSINESS: Former Titan Towers building up for sale (CT Insider)

Posted on 9/04/124 by Mike Informer

Former WWE building on Stamford's east side up for sale,
redevelopment possible

By Paul Schott,
Staff Writer
Sep 4, 2024

STAMFORD — For sale: the previous home of one of the best-
known companies in Connecticut.

WWE intends to sell its former headquarters building at 1241
E. Main St., off Interstate 95’s Exit 9, on Stamford’s east
side. The availability of the property confirms that it is
no longer part of the sports-entertainment powerhouse’s
long-term plans, after it opened last year its current
headquarters in downtown Stamford.

The sale price of 1241 E. Main is “subject to offer,”
according to the website of commercial real estate firm
Newmark, which is listing the property.

Constructed in the early 1980s, 1241 E. Main stands six
stories and covers more than 90,000 square feet. It was
appraised last year at about $18 million, according to the
Vision Appraisal database.

A broker at Newmark confirmed receiving an email from CT
Insider that inquired about the listing, but he did not
provide an on-the-record comment. A message left for WWE was
not returned.

WWE’s decision to sell 1241 E. Main, which served as its
headquarters for more than 30 years, is not surprising. When
the company announced in March 2019 that it would relocate
its headquarters within Stamford, it said that it expected
to sell 1241 E. Main and would exit the space it was leasing
in the building across the street, at 1266 E. Main St.

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