Ruthless Pro Wrestling August 24 Maybee, MI results

Posted on 8/25/124 by Leonard Brand


MAYBEE - Ruthless Pro Wrestling at US Military Veterans
Motorcycle Club: Shlak pinned Jeff King…Matt Tremont defeated
Otis Cogar by referee stoppage…Rustbelt champion Lou Nixon
defeated Dr. Redacted by referee stoppage…Judge Joe Dred
defeated Casanova Valentine in a last man standing match..
Schwartzy & Randi West defeated Chuck Stein & Brandon St.
James…Judge Joe Dred pinned Lou Nixon to win the Rustbelt
championship…Shlak pinned Matt Tremont…Kamikaze champion
Remington Rhor pinned That’s Kyle…Shlak pinned Judge Joey Dred
to win the Rustbelt…Shlak pinned Tommy Vendetta to win the

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