Posted on 8/24/124 by Leonard Brand
MAYBEE - Flophouse Wrestling at the US Military Veterans
Motorcycle Club: Kaos Wrestling Digital Media champion Thomas
Bailey defeated Mondo Real, Big Jorge, TJK, El Noctambulo, &
Jheras Grey…HyZya pinned Nick Maus…Brutus Dylan pinned Crash
Jaxon…Rory Shield pinned Alice Crowley…Eric Dillinger pinned B
Boy…Schwartzy defeated Satu Jinn by choke out..Malcom Monroe
III pinned Breyer Wellington…Randi West defeated Matt Tremont
by choke out…Tag Team champions The Bruisers defeated Mickie
Knuckles & GG Jacobs…Hoodfoot defeated champion Tommy
Vendetta, Lou Nixon, Judge Joe Dred, & Remington Rhor to win
the Heavyweight belt.