MANDY SACS: Mandy Sacs to participate in the Black Label Pro wrestling combine event

Posted on 8/22/124 by Colin Vassallo

Mandy Sacs will be at the Black Label Pro Crowning Glory event
next month and is participating in the DraftKings Wrestling

The Combine will have four men and four women who will go
head-to-head in a series of contests to see who is the best

Sacs will join Ash by Elegance, Jordynne Grace, and Xia Zhao,
the artist formerly known as Xia Li in WWE in the women’s
group while the men will have Mike Rallis, better known as
Riddick Moss, Parker Boudreaux, and Moose.

The event will take place on Wednesday, September 4 at the
Logan Square Auditorium in Chicago, Illinois

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